Raindrop Massage
The Raindrop Technique, which is registered by Young Living Oil, is a non-invasive therapy using a sequence of essential oils dispensed from a bottle as small, rain-like drops approximately six inches above the back.
1 Hour Massage - $130.00
What is raindrop therapy?
The Raindrop Technique, which is registered by Young Living Oil, is a non-invasive therapy using a sequence of essential oils dispensed from a bottle as small, rain-like drops approximately six inches above the back. The massage technique is used to assist the spine back into alignment and ultimately provides full-body balance. The therapy service combines aromatherapy, reflexology, and feathering of the oils into the skin.
What are the benefits?
There are many benefits, such as:
- Stress management
- Balance and harmony to the body—physically, mentally, and emotionally
- Structural and electrical alignment
- Immune enhancement
- Nerve stimulation
- Energy alignment
- Antiseptic (it creates a poor environment for viruses and bacteria to grow)
- Vitality
What conditions can it help treat?
Raindrop therapy can be used as a treatment for stress or tension; pain reduction; respiratory congestion; circulatory and musculoskeletal issues; spinal misalignments; and metabolism imbalance.